Vadim Alexandrovich Malyshev

Born April 13, 1938, in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University (1961) and postgraduate studies at the Department of Mathematics (1965), in 1966 he defended his Ph.D. thesis (supervisor B. M. Kloss).
Worked at the Department of Probability Theory since February 1967 - Senior Researcher, since 1987 - Leading Researcher, since 1991 - Head of the Laboratory of Large Random Systems.
He taught courses "Mathematics and Physics", "Multicomponent Systems and Mathematical Physics", "Introduction to Mathematical Models", "Introduction to Modern Probabilistic Models".
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1973). Professor (1992).
Doctoral dissertation:
Boundary Value Problems for Functions of Two Complex Variables and Their Applications, Moscow, 1973.